Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Netw360 Week 7 Lab

Kyle Pederson NETW360, Ben Brezinski 4/16/12 Lab #7 Hands on Lab Microsoft Network Monitor Introduction and Wireless Frames When we expanded frame 4 the signal strength was -60dbm, the data rate was 1mbps, and the SSID in the beacon frame was Amory. In frame 5, looking at the Hex Details, the BSSID for this access point was 00 15 E9 D1 48. The authentication status in frame 14 was successful. In frame 15, the Association Response status was in a successful state. When we tried to the Microsoft Network Monitor we were unable to pick up any management packets during our capture. SNMP management We were able to successfully ping 10. 7. 8. 80 to verify we had access to the â€Å"managed† device. The batch file was set up with the 10. 27. 8. 80 address and had commands to get information from that address. The name of the device was NPIF9460B and the status of it was â€Å"ready to print†. After we downloaded the MIB Browser and entered 10. 27. 8. 80 into the address field, we were able to get the sysUpTime which was 830 hours 13 min and 2 sec. Finding rogue access points When using the command â€Å"netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid† in the command prompt we were able to identify 17 access points. Out of the 17 access points 11 were not part of the DeVry wireless network.Using the FindAccessPoints. BAT we were able to identify 18 access points and 12 of them were not part of the DeVry wireless network. Opening the FindAccessPoints. vbs in notepad we were able to see the script and the basis of the script worked around the command netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid. After we set up our Linksys as a rogue access point we had no problem finding it using the batch file. This would be very handy to use at your home network, if you lived in a place where there is many access points, because you could pick up any rogue access points that someone has set up to attempt to capture any of your information.Logging Here is our log file from our Linksys a ccess point. [pic] Linksys Access point maintenance and troubleshooting The current firmware version of our Linksys access point was 1. 5. 01 and the current time was 2012/04/14 15:42:41. The current status of our access point was: †¢ Report Mode- BG-mixed †¢ SSID- net360 †¢ DHCP- enabled †¢ Channel- 1 Next we were able to backup our current configuration to our PC and then we reset the access point to the factory defaults. The factory defaults were set as: †¢ Report Mode BG-mixed †¢ SSID- Linksys †¢ DHCP- enabled †¢ Channel- 6Once set as the factory we were able to restore our original configuration by uploading the file we created earlier. As soon as that file uploaded our access point was set up the same as before. This was very straight forward to do and I feel it is a good idea to back up your configuration, just in case the access point gets reset. Wireshark Introduction and Examining Wireless Frames Lab Lab Report 1. Is Wireshark open s ource or propriety? (7 points) Wireshark is an Open-source program. 2. What is seen in each of the three panes that display the packets seen on a local area network? 7 point) The top pane is the packet list pane that shows each packet on a separate line and has five columns with the following information: the time that the packet came in, source, destination of each packet, the protocol being used with the packet, and information about each packet. The second pane is the tree view pane and it displays the headers of the various protocols captured in the packet and this is displayed in a hierarchal view from physical layer to the application layer. The third pane is the byte view pane that shows the raw data in a hexadecimal format. . What does a display filter do? (7 points) The display filter enables you to filter what you want to view when capturing your packets. So if you wanted to just view the packets that were using the protocol TCP you could filter those out. You can also use expression filters that lets you be more specific in what you want to filter. 4. What does the protocol column show? (7 points) The protocol column shows the highest layer protocol in the frame. 5. How do you expand the details in a layer of the packet in the middle frame? 7 points) To expand the details you must click on the plus sign. 6. In frame 1 what channel is being used? (7 points) Frame 1 is using channel 6. 7. In frame 1 what frequency is being used? (7 points) The frequency being used is 2437MHz. 8. In frame 1 what is the signal level? (7 points) The signal level in frame 1 is 11. 9. What type of frame is frame 1? (7 points) Frame 1 is a broadcast initiation frame to the access point 10. In frame 1 what is the beacon interval in milliseconds? (7 points) The beacon interval is 102. 4ms.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Helping The Homeless Essay

Do you know how many people there are in the world with no home or money? There are millions and millions of homeless people in the world, and I want to help put a stop to it. I feel strongly about this because i grew up in Thailand when i was younger and seeing all these homeless people really impacted my life and how i thought about people. The three best ways that people can help the homeless are to help build shelters so that they are safe at night, to donate food so they don’t go hungry and die, and to donate money so that they can afford food and clothes. There are several ways to help the homeless, one is to help the organizations, that help to homeless, is to donate money to them so they can keep helping the homeless. Or actually go with the organization and build the shelter with them. Maybe, in your opinion, this isn’t the best way to help. But I think donating food for the homeless is the most important thing you can do. Donating food to the homeless is impor tant because it makes so that they don’t go hungry and die. It is one of the most important things you can do, because without food they don’t get nutrition and won’t be able to grow, mentally or physically. And if people don’t have enough food, the will starve, and eventually die. When i lived in Thailand, every time my family and I went to McDonalds, Burger King, or any other fast food restaurant we would buy an extra meal for a 12 year old kid that sat at the same light post every day for 2 years. And every time we gave him food, he would be so happy. It just made me feel amazing being able to make someone, living the life that they did, feel so happy. And i know my parents and siblings felt the same way. And i know that anyone else who helps the homeless will also get the same feeling. But you don’t have to only donate in person, there are hundreds of organizations who help the homeless, poor, neglected members of our society. And in my opinion every one has to do what they can to help. Something that Kyle Tyrrel said â€Å"Seeing a homeless person begging out in the cold, steam escaping their mouths as they ask for money, touches something primal within me. They are alive in the same way I am.† What he is saying in thais is that they breath, just like you breath. They need to eat, just like you need to eat. And they are people, just like you. Donating money to homeless people is important because it makes so that they can afford food and cloths. This is important  because some people wear the same cloths and never have money for new ones. When i was younger and I lived in Thailand I put money in donation boxes or gave to homeless people themselves whenever my family and I went to the Mall or to get dinner. I would do this all the time because i felt bad for people, especially children, who did not have the privileges that i had growing up. And i felt bad for people who were born into that life. Yes some of the homeless have to give all their earnings to someone who has pretty much ‘enslaved’ them, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help in other ways. When i did this i learned how good it felt to help people survive. Because even at a young age i learned that every dollar helps. And this is a really important lesson for our generation, some people just don’t understand what it’s like to be â€Å"The other half† of the world. Donating money is not only good for the people you are donating it to, but it helps you become a better person, and teaches you kindness, and makes other respect your more as an individual. Building homes and/or shelters for homeless people is important because it helps to increase their safety. This is really important, not many people realize that over a billion people have no real home at night. One way that i helped increase the safety of a homeless family was When I was 8 years old in Sweden and my momâ €™s friend in Thailand was helping out this family whose dad had run away when their daughter was born with a sickness and we flew over to help that family and build a house for them. It increased their safety and the mother could leave her 14 year old daughter, who couldn’t walk, at home alone while she got medicine and food. Even though there might be other ways to help homeless people survive and be happy, I think that this is one of the best. And while helping the family and building their new home i learned how good it felt to help others and i learned how â€Å"The other half lived† at a young age which influenced how i think today. This is important for people to learn at a young age because it teaches them not to be greedy and to be happy for what they have. There are lots of different ways to help the homeless, here is another way to help with the building of shelters. Join one of the many, many organizations that build homes for the homeless. Habitat for humanity for example. At my school there is a ‘Habitat for Humanity’ Club. Everyone in it is doing their part, Other people should do their part too. There are millions and millions of less privileged people out there with no food, money or home. And the three  best ways to help them are to donate food, Give the money, And to build them shelters. Homelessness is a huge problem in the world. And i think everyone should do their part and help decrease homelessness. You can donate a few dollars, or build your own homeless shelter, anything and everything helps.

Management Philosophy

â€Å"Management aims to accomplish group purposes with the least expenditure of material or human resources† (Koontz, 1969, p. 415). The term management philosophy seems almost oxymoronic in that they appear to work toward different results. The goal of management should be to improve the organization. (Kirkeby, 2000) suggest that the objective of management has always been the goal of making the group, institution, organization, or nation, into the strongest organism possible. Triumph, subjugation, gaining strength, and survival are all priorities of management. These along with personal prestige, acquiring real estate (enlarging your territory), making lots of money, and transferring thought to action paint the perfect picture of today’s successful manager. (Kirkeby, 2000) believes that philosophy is just the opposite, suggesting that philosophy deals with power but in a different way, its focus is the power of thought instead of position or bottom line performance. The pursuit of philosophy is not one of financial gain for the individual but one of freedom and liberation of thought. Similar article: Scientific Management Theory in Health Care Philosophy lends itself to a relationship with reality as opposed to management where goals exist to create, shape, and determine the best reality conducive to productivity. Philosophy does not insist on leading the individual to think, but rather presenting ideas and thought for evaluation and consideration of the individual, allowing them to pick, choose, and add to the original thought, and even completely dismiss. Dr. W. Edwards Deming – The system of profound knowledge/System Theory Dr.  Deming was a known for his work in the many fields to include management philosophy. The management philosophy of Dr. Deming is centered on the system of profound knowledge. The System of Profound Knowledge was presented in his book titled â€Å"The New Economics†, (Deming, 1994). The system of profound knowledge provides a map of theory with assist us in understanding the organizations that we work in. It is comprised of four major tenets (Deming); â€Å"Appreciation of a System, Theory of Knowledge, Theory of Variation, and Psychology†. Deming goes on to suggest that â€Å"many themes show up in various parts of the System of Profound Knowledge, particularly those relating to organizational purpose, driving out fear in an organization, and understanding the implications of variation† (Deming, p. 11). Systems theory lays out management methods that can create systems out of organizations, and the advantages of these systems. There are many road blocks to the establishing an organizational system, (Deming, 1994) describes some of the road blocks as; focus on the benefit of performance from one aspect of the system. This feeds self interest and promotion. Internal competition; this leads to business units with holding information and not willing to share resources and the use of the performance appraisal; this creates a mind-set geared toward individual performance. (Deming) breaks down the four tenets that make up the system of profound knowledge; the Theory of Knowledge or epistemology as it is often referred provides a description for a system that focuses on learning and the use of theory. The Theory of Variation; its purpose is to assist managers in understanding what variation is and how this understanding will improve process within the system. Deming describes management as the ability to predict and for this reason an in-depth understanding of variation is all the more critical. Psychology; is seen and utilized in all aspects of Deming’s system. Deming’s suggest that manages must be able to identify psychological influences on and in their respective units if they are to become a true system. Scientific Management  There are examples all a round us concerning the benefit of Scientific Management; planes, trains, and automobiles, processes, and work environments that we engage each day. All of these examples and many others function and are produced at a higher rate of efficiently due to Scientific Management. Frederick W. Taylor born on March 20, 1865 considered â€Å"the father of Scientific Management†. He strongly campaigned for less human interaction and more machine driven production, even going on to say â€Å"In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first† (Worthy, 1959, p. 3). One of the driving factors for Taylor’s scientific management was that he believed the industrial management of his day was run by individuals that had no professional amplitude Deming suggested that â€Å"management could be formulated as an academic discipline, and that the best results would come from the partnership between a trained and qualified management and a cooperative and innovative workforce† (Weisbord, 1987, p. 9). â€Å"Taylorism† became the first big management fad. Taylor's scientific management consisted of four principles (Weisbord, 1987): 1. Replace rule-of-thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study of the tasks. 2. Scientifically select, train, and develop each employee rather than passively leaving them to train themselves. 3. Provide detailed instruction and supervision of each worker in the performance of that worker's discrete task. 4. Divide work equally between managers and workers, so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers actually perform the tasks. Taylor was the first to present a systematic study of interactions among job requirements such as tools, methods, and human skill. To fit people to jobs both psychologically and physically, and to let data and facts do the talking rather than prejudice, opinions, or egos† (Weisbord, 1987, p. 10). As scientific management increased in popularity Taylor became more outspoken concerning his position on human relations in the work place, assuming that workers were â€Å"lazy, won't take responsibility, lack desire to achieve significant results, demonstrate inability to direct their own behavior, show indifference to organizational needs, prefer to be led by others, and avoid making decisions whenever possible. † (Montgomery, 1989, p. 6). Compare and Contrast Scientific Management – although scientific management has played and will continue to be an important aspect of our universal business model for production, it is necessary to note the weaknesses that this method contains. Such as its negative influence in current work environments concerning the human contribution. The tenants of Scientific Management are not applicable to all modern organizations. Nelson notes that â€Å"Scientific Management is perhaps best seen as an evolutionary stage in management’s ever developing history. † (Nelson, 1980, p. 14). Today’s the average employee has increased in their understanding of self-worth and their ontribution to the organization. Employees are no longer content with just the financial reward for their work; they also receive satisfaction when allowed to participate in the benefit of the organizations success. The Scientific Management system viewed workers as interested only in the economic reward and working toward that end only. (Worthy, 1959, p. 42) states that â€Å"in current organizations it has been recognized that productivity and success is not just obtained by controlling all factors in the work place, but by contributing to the social well-being and development of the individual employee. Scientific management’s negative aspects are apparent when evaluating the value of employees in the context of organizational contribution and success. (Nelson, 1980) uncovers that at the Taylor’s methods for managing the workers were not fully accepted by thousands of manufacturing plants due to fear of alienating the employees. Nelson states that â€Å"the principals of scientific management are unquestionably authoritarian in that they assume decision-making is best kept at the top of the organization because there exist a lack of trust in the competence of the employees. † (Nelson, p. 27). System of profound knowledge – Dr. Deming’s system of profound knowledge is quite different form that of Taylor’s scientific management in several ways that will be discussed here. The first is in my opinion the most significance, Dr. Deming’s system of profound knowledge unlike scientific management starts with the individual. Transformation of the individual is a key aspect of this system. This transformation is the result of understanding of the system of profound knowledge. (Deming, 1994) suggest that the once a person is transformed, they will understand that their life has value and real meaning. These principles will then be applied to all relationships, personal, professional, and social. The individual upon understanding the system of profound knowledge now has a point of reference for decisions and for organizations that they are a part of. The one challenge that I can see with the system of profound knowledge is this constant pursuit to improve. How do you start? How do you set down all of the baggage in order for transformation to actually begin? The last challenge that I see with this system is that all four tenants have to be put into play, if one of the four is not operative then the other three become null and void. Conclusion While both of these management philosophies/systems proved to be of benefit in different times when injected into different organizations, they are not without challenge and negative aspects. People, while they operate within systems, sub-systems, or processes, they are not comprised of them, however complex they are. When individuals are introduced into a system there has to be processes that will gage the individual performance outside of the system as well as within the system. If not the employee will always be subject to the system and not allowed to explore and identify their potential for success within other systems.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Questions - part II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Questions - part II - Essay Example In this paper, we will focus on two philosophers; Boethius and Machiavelli. Through examining the two philosophers, we will be able to understand the main tenets of the ancient modern debate. Part A The main tenets of the ancient modern debate revolve around several differences on the subject of human nature. It is clear that different philosophers have presented diverse thoughts and opinions regarding the so called human nature. Building on this point of view, there has been a developing code of ethics emerging from such theorists and what people accept as true in the present day. It is worth examining Boethius view points on the subject and compare them with Machiavelli’s accordingly. Part B From a literal point of view, Boethius’s most excellent known work is referred as the consolation of philosophy. He wrote this work whilst in prison while awaiting his execution. Boethius finds himself in jail. At first, he is profoundly upset. The cause of his suffering emerges f rom his enduring project, effort to conserve ancient classical knowledge, specifically philosophy. His work represents an imaginary conversation between himself and philosophy. In that case, philosophy is personified as a woman. The arguments in this scenario are that, in spite of the apparent disparity of the humankind, there is, within platonic fashion, a high power and everything besides is secondary to such divine providence. Despite Boethius suffering while in exile, it is recorded that philosophy appears and attempts to â€Å"cure† his suffering. Philosophy, which is personified as a woman, does this in various ways. First of all, she does this by reminding him of what he once knew about the true nature of human beings; the nature of fortune, the nature of happiness, and the limits of politics to provide happiness (Boethius 49). In Boethius’ argument of the nature of fortune, happiness, and the limits of politics to provide happiness, he agonizes over the profess ed inappropriateness between the subsistence of God and the wickedness that exists in the earth. What is more, he agonizes between the existence of God and the superficial ethical inversion of the creation. In responding to such issues, Boethius declares that God’s kindness and God’s obligation to honesty does not necessitate that God get rid of every instance of evil. Then again, Boethius presents argument that there are at least different examples of goodness that appear to have need of the likelihood of some wickedness, ethical education with regards to the free will of humans and the true nature of happiness. Moreover, Boethius presents an argument that the nature of evil as self-destructive to wrongdoers and the nature of the ultimate good as the one which, every person naturally look for, an indication that the earth is not decently inverted. As a result, Boethius would dispute the reality of premise in the modern formulation of the issue of evil (Boethius 54). I n his argument for the compatibility of the subsistence of God with the continuation of evil, he provides explanations as to why God would allow occurrences of evil and not do away with them. As a character in the Consolation, he seems to take consolation in such discoveries. Reflecting on the above discussion, it is worth contemplating that the lady philosophy brings to a n end the dialogue with both caution and encouragement, â€Å"

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Predicting Child Abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Predicting Child Abuse - Essay Example Predicting child abuse requires a multisided approach and more study is needed to establish causal relationships, though with proper and thorough evaluation of indicators and risk factors, as many as 75% of the child abuse that occurs within the first two years of birth may be identifiable at birth (Epstein, 2001). Risk factors that indicate increased incidence of abuse can be child factors, family factors, and social and environmental factors. (NCCANI, 2005) Family factors include poverty, substance abuse, history of domestic violence, and level of parental competency. Children who reside in a single parent home without the support of the absent parent are at greater risk than those that reside with two married parents (Bethea, 1999). Single parenting contributes to the likelihood that the child will be in a socio-economic disadvantaged situation which correlates to increased rates of abuse. Care must be taken when evaluating the effects of poverty on the risk factors for abuse. Outside influences associated with poverty may have a greater influence than the economic disadvantage itself. ... This may be directly related to the diminished mental capacity of the parent while intoxicated, or it may be a reflection of other factors. Parents who have previously been victims of child abuse have a greater risk of becoming a victimizer. This same set of parents also has an increased risk of alcohol and drug use. Substance dependency by the father may create negative attitudes toward the pregnancy and signal that the child is at greater risk (Epstein, 2001). Substance abuse is also correlated in homes that have a history of mental problems, inadequate parenting skills, and previous trauma. Research directly linking substance and alcohol abuse to child abuse is inconclusive and few studies have been undertaken to establish this link (NCCANI, 2005). However, when taken into context with other risk factors, it can be useful as an indication for risk. Other factors that signal an increased risk of abuse by the family are involvement with probation or jail, age of the mother, and number of small children in the home. Positive family factors that reduce the risk of abuse should also be evaluated. A stable home environment with two married parents, household rules, and prenatal education are indicators that reduce the risk of child abuse occurring in the home (WHO, 2006). When measuring risk it is important to consider the child's role in abuse. Younger children are more likely to experience neglect and physical abuse while older children are at greater risk for sexual abuse (NCCANI, 2005). Evaluation of the child's condition can also aid in predicting a situation that poses a greater risk for abuse. Premature birth, handicaps, attention disorders, and behavior problems correlate to an

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Integration and Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Integration and Reflection - Essay Example At the other end of the processing in ECKART, are the thinnest pigments with an OD of 0.6 which is dark metallic in physical appearance (Dopke, 2007). These metals and chemicals are harmful to human health. Employees who work in ECKART department may be exposed to these potential harmful metals, pigment and chemicals. The main threat to employees in ECKART division of Altana Company is association with exposure to cadmium. This metal has been extensively studied, and its effects on human healthy have been reviewed for several times by international bodies such as WHO. Cadmium appears naturally in ore together with copper, zinc and lead. Cadmium compounds function as stabilizers in several alloys, PVC products, color pigment and presently commonly, in re-chargeable nickel-cadmium batteries (Dopke, 2007). Inhalations of cadmium particles are life threatening, and even though deaths and acute pulmonary effects are rare, sporadic scenarios still happen. As a result of high cadmium exposure, employees in ECKART may experience kidney damage or kidney failure. The first sign of the renal lesion is a tubular malfunction, evidenced by an up surged excretion of low enzymes or proteins. From research carried out this disorder is reversible; however, there are overwhelming confirmations that cadmium prompted tubular is indeed irreversible. In other words working in ECKART depart of Altana Company is extremely dangerous to its employees. Working under such condition can be dangerous; however the employees of Altana are adequately informed of the risks. Altana management body through environment, health and safety organizations (EHS), not only does it teach employees the role of chemicals production method, but also encourage them to attend Company-mandated education events (Dopke, 2007). These events are held every three months. In these meetings the management body addresses topics such as dangerous substances, and hazardous waste, and occupational

Friday, July 26, 2019

Application statement for MSc Marketing Personal

Application for MSc Marketing - Personal Statement Example Some courses that I have taken from the course modules are social psychology, research and data analysis, clinical psychology, personal financial planning, financial accounting, among others. I worked as a research assistant in a cultural and family laboratory where part of my responsibilities include interviewing children and conducting cognitive tasks. Further, I had previous work experience as an intern at a law firm last summer in London, where I had the privilege of visiting courts, prisons, and drafting legal documents, to name a few. It is during these work experiences that I realized the relevance of marketing in the service oriented organizations – I remunerated that without people with marketing skills, the services offered would not be promoted, advertised, and relayed in strategic approaches to entice target customers into availing of these services, either in academic institutions or law firms. These provided the impetus for my realization of how dynamic marketing responsibilities are compared with other equally relevant organizational functions of accounting, finance, and administration.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What Should Eastern European Migrants to UK Do In Order To Be More Dissertation

What Should Eastern European Migrants to UK Do In Order To Be More Gainfully Employed - Dissertation Example What Should Eastern European Migrants to UK Do In Order To Be More Gainfully Employed? According to European Commission website (European Commission, 2011, in May 2004 Poland, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Hungary and Estonia joined European Union. The United Kingdom was only one of three European countries to allow the free migration of workers. The ability to work and to live in abroad made thousands of people leave their home and go to look for a better living in UK. Hull like other UK cities experienced rising number of immigrants coming from East and Central Europe. According to Department for Work & Pensions, the total number of immigrants coming to Hull between 2004-2008 from east and central European countries was 6.780. Most of the people coming to Hull are from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia. Migrant workers come with a broad range of qualifications and skills. They intend to choose low skilled jobs through recruitment agencies and take a low- income employment. This research will look into the reasons why migrant workers have a tendency to take vacancies in low skilled jobs market despite the level of skills they have. The immediate aims of this research are: †¢ To explore skills and qualifications of East European workers; †¢ To clarify primary obstacles faced by immigrants wanting to access better employment; †¢ To look into reasons why East European workers don’t adapt in English labor market. ... In order to achieve these aims, in the course of researching, a survey would have to be done to know the hopes and needs of Eastern European (EE) migrant workers in the UK. The laws and regulations affecting those Eastern European Migrant workers have to be scrutinized and summarized to see how they can affect their hopes and needs. The survey questionnaire should gather some information about their strengths and weaknesses as Eastern European Migrant workers. A review of their opportunities, rights, and privileges will then shed light on the usefulness of those strengths in the UK. Finally, in order that this formal research can contribute some insights to the existing body of knowledge about Eastern European Migrants in the UK, and to the improvements in productivity with the UK, an attempt to recommend plans will be done for the conversion of Eastern European Migrant workers at Hull into becoming more productive for the UK. Overview The UK government is committed to its Equality A ct 2010 which serves as an anti-discrimination law. It gives equal treatment in trying to access employment regardless of race, religion or belief, gender, civil status. By December 2010, the government (GEO 2010) â€Å"announced that it will bring into force section 159 of the Equality Act 2010 in April 2011. This will help employers achieve a more diverse workforce by giving them the option, when faced with candidates of equal merit, to choose a candidate from an under-represented group.† In 2005, Hull had a sluggish economy in 2005. Growth was low. Productivity was low. Earnings were low. So the Local Authorities of Hull developed a strategy and called it NDC or New Deal for Communities Sanderson, I., Green, A., and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Is Performance Related Pay a Proven Path to Improving Employee Essay

Is Performance Related Pay a Proven Path to Improving Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction - Essay Example Based on this research performance related pay pertains to such a system that relates the rewards extended to an employee to the overall performance of the organization in which that employee serves. The purpose of performance related pays is to motivate the employees. The other big objective behind the performance related pay is to synchronize and align the performance of the employees to the overall aims and objectives of the organization in which they work. Though, the performance related pay is mostly financial, but sometimes it could also happen to be non-financial. The payments made under performance related pay schemes are usually in addition to the actual pay that an employee gets. This makes the employees appreciate the fact that the rewards one gets for ones performance are not invariable and rather tend to be variable and separate. Many a times the augmentation in an employee’s annual basic salary could also happen to be related to one’s performance. Performa nce related pay helps the organizations retain the employees who have attained the top rank in relation to their pay scale and are still accruing an outstanding performance. In the present context, when the organizations are getting much flatter, the organizations are bound to abound in the employees who come under this category. Further, the opportunities for extending promotions in the flatter organizations happen to be much less as compared to the multi layered organizations of the past. Hence, the performance related pay is one viable method of improving employee performance and extending job satisfaction. Common Types of Performance Pay Over the last two decades, there has been a considerable rise in the performance related pay systems (Beardwell 1996, p. 148). Though the performance related pay system was more common in the private sector, there is no denying the fact that many public sector organizations are also evincing a gradual shift towards performance related pay system s (Beardwell 1996, p. 148). The best thing about performance related pay systems is that they link the payments made to the employees, to the group, individual or organizational performance (White & Druker 2000). The organizations resort to a wide array of performance pay systems, yet, the primary assumption behind all such systems is that the opportunity to get an enhanced pay will motivate the employees to work better and will positively impact their productivity (White & Druker 2000). Piecework is the oldest form of performance pay system which links the payment made to an employee to the units of output produced by one (Bassett 1993, p. 3). This motivates the employee to work harder and better, as the production of optimal number of high quality productivity units is bound to be reflected in one’s pay slip. A payment by results is one other major performance pay system, where the

Are or should rights be based on nationality The Module is [ Essay

Are or should rights be based on nationality The Module is [ Citizenship in Theory and Practice] politics - Essay Example It is for this reason that arbiters of rights are always under scrutiny and lot of discussion goes on regarding the role and task of rights arbitrator for informing people regarding their rights. The question of rights has always challenged political philosopher and thinkers. The question has also tested the wits of moral thinkers as it is one of the fundamental issues of morality. Since, philosophy started in ancient Greece therefore early thought had Greek city state or polis in mind and for this reason the application of rights focused on the relationship of individual and polis. As such, the idea of rights is mainly based on the responsibilities of the individual citizen to the wider polis (Delanty, 2000). Individual submitted before the authority of polis for the protection of his life and limb. The concept of rights in the ancient world was related with area and territory. The concept of citizenship was firmly based on birth. Therefore, the development and application of rights has traditionally been firmly linked with a concept of territorial integrity (Lister & Pia, 2008). Modern concept of Western nationalism has firmly established the link between rights and territorial integrity, which was originally formed in ancient Greece and practiced in Roman Empire. ... Nationality and the nation state have always been linked; as a result, a similar link has been formed between the concept of rights and the foundation of nationality (Held, 1995). This strong link of rights and nationality continued on for a long period of time but development in science and technology along with better communication has brought significant changes in the outlook and approach of thinkers. Many factors are responsible for the changed attitude but three primary processes account for this attempt to revise the idea of rights. Firstly, migration has brought phenomenal changes in the concept of nationality. Secondly, the formation of regional political structures has meant that concepts of regional citizenship have taken firm ground. Numerous examples of regional bodies can be found; however, possibly the most significant at the present time is the European Union (Faist, 2007). Finally with advent of Information Technology the concept of globalisation has become a byword. The commencement of globalisation and the necessary political responses that have been taken have led many to question whether basing rights on nationality is applicable in an unified and mutually dependent world (Held, 1995). This concept of globalisation has questioned the link of rights and territory. Above all, as globalisation has increasingly served to de-link individuals and societies from the national setting, the idea that rights can be founded on the basis of national territory has been greatly criticised (Held, 1995). Considering the above assessment, the purpose of this work is to assess and examine whether, or should the application of rights be based on

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Food Industry Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Food Industry Analysis Paper - Essay Example This is not so with the food industry because it is a basic physical need. It may be that some luxury foods are done away with during times of economic crisis, but the food industry as a whole can be rest assured that it will be around for a long time to come. As the population of this country grows, so will the number of mouths that are needed to be fed. This ensures that should increase year-on-year for a long time to come. The purpose of this paper is to look at the strengths of the various categories of the food industry and determine how an increase in sales is reflected by increases in employment numbers, employee wages, and the number of restaurants. Because this is such a large industry and covers tens of millions of people, I will focus specifically on New York City. The reason why I chose this place was because the city is famous for always being on the move. The diversity in the city means that there are many ethnic food restaurants available for customers to eat at. My hy pothesis is that as the sales of the food industry are increasing, so must employment numbers, employee wages, and the number of restaurants. For an industry that seems to be booming, it would make sense to reinvest profits back into the industry itself, thereby ensuring its success over the short and long term. The types of data that will be used in this paper are primary sources, such as the New York State Department of Labor and ReferenceUSA. To clarify what food restaurants will be taken into consideration, the NAICS code that will be looking at is 722211 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2002). This code specifically entails establishments that provide food services where the customer chooses his meal and pays for it before receiving it. To be clear, snack and non-alcoholic beverage bars will not be included in this analysis. The dependent variable in this paper will be the sales numbers for the food industry as a whole. It is very easy to locate these figures because they are complied by t he relevant departments each year for public knowledge. The scatter plot below shows the sales numbers in the food industry over the last few years: As can be seen from the graph, the food industry as a whole is growing year-on-year. Of course, the figure for 2012 is just an estimate since we don’t have those figures available yet. In fact, in the last couple of years, the slope has gotten steeper, which suggests that the pace of the food industry will not slow down anytime soon. On average, the food industry’s sales are increasing by $22.13 billion each year or around 3 to 4%. From this, we can say that the outlook for the food industry is positive unless some unforeseen disaster occurs. The slope for this graph is y = 22.13x + 167.26, based on a base year of 1990. Looking ahead to 2020, we can make a prediction of the sales of the food industry with this equation. The equation would be as follows: y = 22.13 (30) + 167.26 = $831.16 billion each year. Of course, the gr owth rate may change based on external factors that are outside of the food industry’s control. However, this figure gives a pretty good estimate of where the food industry will be by the end of this decade and shows that everything is looking positive. Now that we have shown that the sales for the food industry will continue to grow for some time yet, we need to see what is fueling that helping to fuel that growth. This paper will look at three independent variables: employee numbers, employee wages, and number of restaurants. For employee numbers, New York City can

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Status of Women In the New Testament Essay Example for Free

The Status of Women In the New Testament Essay When assessing the history of womens role and position in society, it is notably the period of the New Testament which proved to be a major turning point in the status of women, and was the starting point for the near-equality experienced in todays society. Graham Stanton observes that The status of women was markedly inferior to that of men throughout the ancient world, including Judaism.1 Thus, by looking to the society preceding that of Christ, one can only understand what a profound influence Christ had on the previous Jewish and Greek customs of women. The society in which Jesus lived was strongly patriarchal; the worth and dignity of women was not recognized, the womens role was domesticated, to be a faithful wife and mother, and women who stepped outside this role were vilified. Women had almost no role at all in the wider arena of social life, in politics and religious affairs 2. By looking to the Old Testament the earliest evidence of such a society is indicated in the Book of Job, and arguably the Old Testament is a record of the mistreatment of women by men. Women were considered to be the cause of evil doing, a temptation to men, and a hindrance to his spiritual life. If my heart has been enticed by a woman, or if I have lurked by my neighbors door, then may my wife grind another mans grain, and may other men sleep with her. ( Job 31:10 -11) Better is the wickedness of a man than a woman who does good; It is a woman who brings shame and disgrace (Sirach 42:14) This patriarchal society which had no time for women in discussions, decisions or pleasures, left women as objects to fulfill the mens sexual desires and produce children, they lived their lives under the control of men, mainly their fathers and husbands. This belief came about from what was stated in Exodus 20:17, that a woman was a possession of the husband, You shall not covet your neighbours house; you shall not covet your neighbours wife Indeed in Jewish religious and social law, women, slaves and minors were often placed in the same category. The religious authorities had little respect or liking for women, the Rabbis were fearful of women as they were seen as a source of sexual temptation. Additionally, the Shema was not to be recited anywhere, where you could hear a womans voice or see her legs or her hair. However, there were exceptions to this 1st century treatment of women, E. Schussler Fiorenza argues that Although in rabbinic Judaism women are categorized with children and slaves for legal and religious purposes, the biblical stories about women indicate that women were not perceived as minors or slaves in everyday life. Such examples she uses are women including Ruth, Esther, Hannah, all of who are seen to have typical female roles and behavior, yet, they are not perceived as minors or slaves in everyday life.3 Certainly Deborah is also an important figure for the raising of the female status in the Old Testament, she was a Judge and was consulted by the Israelites over several issues, and it can be understood that the majority of her rulings were correct. In the face of threat created by Jabin, the Canaanite king, she roused Barak to lead the Israelites into battle, and ultimate victory. Thus she was clearly a heroine. Certainly then, as J and K Court observe, womens status was relative and could depend on various factors: family, employment, or religious background, and Jesus preaching and teachings of equality for all could only be possible in so far as such notions of equality are conceivable in the context of Jewish life and faith.4 However, through the scriptures of the Old Testament God asks his people to act compassionately toward those around you (Deuteronomy 24:17-22) but no account can be found of men respecting the human rights of women, thus they over look Gods commands. Such a corrupt system, constantly producing injustice and fear, was in true need of a change. Jesus overturned the social and cultural mores of this day and challenged legalistic traditions. 5 He showed no discrimination to others and treated all persons with respect, regardless of their race, sex, age, physical condition, political preference, economic status, or educational level. 6 He told all persons, You have worth and value, and there is rejoicing in heaven when you as an individual become part of My family (Luke 15:1-10). For God created both men and women in his image, both equal and complete, God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27). He did not separate one from the other in the ruling of the world for one cannot function without the other, It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. (Genesis 2:18). It is this concept which Jesus tried to revive in his teachings. Throughout the New Testament, there are many references to women that demonstrate how Jesus reacted differently to women, and how he promoted the status of women. Jesus talks to women even though they are outcasts-much to the surprise of his disciples, as he was offending all the normal conventions.7 Jesus presents women as worthy and faithful through acts of forgiveness and numerous miracles performed on them. He also removes from women the domestic image that society had previously molded them into, and presents them as disciples equal to men, as shown in Luke 10:38-42 where Jesus favors the sister Mary who sat at the Lords feet listening to what he said rather than her sister Martha who was pre-occupied with the traditional female obligation of house work. Also in Luke 11:27-28 Jesus states Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it rather than the woman who brings life into the world, here again specifically telling women they are bound to no duty except to that of the Lord. Jesus, within this passage is shown to view women as equal to men, he makes no distinction, since Jesus main concern is to teach those who are willing to learn. This is a radical move away from Jewish thought, since up until this point it was unheard of within Judaism for a religious teacher to teach women. It is the evangelist Luke, who seems to show the most interest in women using Jesus positive references to women which were so different to the views at the time and including many unique stories of Jesus encounters with women in his Gospel that the other evangelists omit. Luke 18:1-8 shows a man in a superior position as a Judge supposedly working for what is true and Godly, however, with no sense of true loyalty or justice, compared to a widow with real faith, totally committed to God. It is only through the Judges selfish need does he see that she gets justice. By putting this story in of two contrasting characters, Luke must obviously be aware of womens hard deal in society, and also aware of some mens response to the superior positions that they hold in the first Century world. Thus this story is used to illustrate the faithful and faithless. Most of the references to women in the Gospels are there to portray positive examples of persons with great faith. Jesus welcomed the inclusion of women as disciples with the understanding that they could respond with obedience and commitment to the word of God. Luke 8:1-3 states by name women who followed Jesus in Galilee and to Jerusalem where they were present as faithful and active servants at the crucifixion. The three women were named as Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna, who had apparently left everything and became disciples of Jesus as a result of the healing they had received from him, and followed him until the end. As Fiorenza states, the women are thus characterized as true disciples of Jesus who have left everything and have followed him on the way, even to his bitter end on the cross. 8 All four Gospels report that it was the women disciples who first saw and believed Jesus resurrection, however in Luke 24:10-11 the male disciples did not believe them. Mark too, shows that in the New Testament writings the status of women has been improved. Just as in the beginning of the Gospel of Mark, he presents four leading male disciples who hear Jesus call to discipleship, so at the end of his Gospel he presents four leading women disciples. He mentions them by name which is demonstrating their importance, since one has previously noted from the story of Bethany (14:1-11) that the author of Marks Gospel did not always see it necessary to include the name. It is significant that in this passage of Mark 14:9 where Jesus pronounces that wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her. This is in reference to the anointing of Jesus in Bethany by a woman. This verse shows to a reader two things, firstly that from the start Jesus treated women as equals since he is willing to identify and make clear the great act that the woman has performed. Secondly it shows to one that although Jesus realised the great act the woman had performed, the author of the gospel did not believe it was worth noting the name of the woman. Certainly Fiorenza believes the name of the faithful disciple has been lost since she was a woman.9 Hence, again highlighting what the early status of women was, even in the Christian world. Also in Marks Gospel it is included the idea that Mary Magdalene was the first human to have Jesus appear to her (Mark 16:9). Mark writes; He appeared first to Mary Magdalene but when they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her they would not believe it. Therefore, here clearly one can argue that although Jesus himself accepted women and believed them to be equal. Nevertheless, 16:9 demonstrates that despite the fact his male disciples would like to believe they followed Jesus and all he taught them, they evidently did not for they refused to believe Mary Magdalene, thus one can state from studying Marks Gospel that the author was indeed keen to encourage women into apostolic and ministerial leadership, which was a drastic change to the status of women. This is the radical difference in Jesus ministry, and the gospels will not let the Christian Church forget this, although as Stanton observes, the early church did not always follow his teaching regarding women. However, this serves only to establish the increasing likelihood that Jesus teachings were authentic. 10 Jesus uses his power and authority to try to bridge the gap between men and women in society by his acts of compassion. He is not afraid to be touched by a ritually unclean woman who is suffering from a hemorrhage, or when he brings a widows dead child back to life in Luke 7:11-17 which shows Jesus genuine compassion for women as he shows with men and children alike, his heart went out to her 7:13 and he raised her son from the dead. Jesus challenged the Jewish mentality that women as witnesses to Jesus preaching had no value or significance by drawing women to be apart of his discipleship and thereby giving a value to their presence and making them effective witnesses to his life and message. And it was Finallythe women who, drawing close to the dramatic events of his crucifixion and death, when all the disciples deserted him and fled.'(Matthew 26:56) and when Peter denied him, followed him and were present at his crucifixion, death and burial11 they are portrayed as dedicated and f aithful follows who have been able to see through their suffering. The one woman who even at the time of Jesus birth through to today holds a superior position in the church is Mary mother of Jesus. Mary is shown as a dedicated and obedient disciple of Jesus, She agreed to accept Jesus birth and to be obedient to Gods will while knowing well that this would place her in a position of being a social outcast.12 The Gospel writers support her and highlight her considerable strength and bravery from the beginning of the Gospel- Jesus birth, through to his death at the end of the Gospel. It is telling that Luke compared to Matthew tells the birth story from Marys point of view rather than Josephs, as we have seen Luke is strongly aware of the difficulties which beset women in New Testament society and hugely supports Mary mother of Jesus who he feels represents the faithful and long suffering women and disciple. In the second century document called The Gospel of Mary, written about Mary Magdalene there are indications towards the role that she carried with the disciples that is ignored in her presentation in the New Testament. We find Mary Magdalene consoling the disciples after Jesus ascension Do not weep and do not sorrow and above all do not be indecisive. His grace will be with you and will protect you. Peter turns to her and says: Sister, we know that the Saviour loved you more than other women. Tell us those words of his, which you remember and know, not us. 13 This shows Mary holding a somewhat authoritative position towards the disciples and the passage indicates Mary had a personal relationship with Jesus outside that with the disciples, of such an authoritative position that she holds, however, was omitted or not specified in the New Testament, although the Gospels did write that Jesus accepted her for who she was and with her past, however, they failed to specify the closeness to which their relationship is suggested to be, and it can be deduced that she (and conceivably other women) had a much more significant role in the early church than is presented in the New Testament documents themselves. The evangelists throughout the different gospels are expressing their views about the role of women through the mouth of Jesus and his encounters with them. However, these views however honest they may seem considering the society they are writing for and are apart of, may still be somewhat constrained when deciding whether to write of a wom en having a greater and closer relationship with Jesus than men, would seem ridiculous and absurd to the people at that time. As Graham Stanton observes, the early church soon after Jesus time on earth did not always follow Jesus example in its treatment of women. Indeed it could be said that Paul and other later New Testament authors reverted back to a more Jewish approach to women and therefore distanced the early Church away from all that Jesus had done to promote the status of women. However, although it is true to say the Pauline teachings imply that in the worshipping congregation women should not have an authoritative teaching role, thus they should not have an equal status with men within the church. Nevertheless some of the teachings still keep the theme that in the kingdom of God any person baptized is a part of Jesus Christs kingdom and can no longer be differentiated from another Baptised believer, therefore all are a apart of one unity in Christ. Paul has thus understood Jesus essential message that all are welcome into Gods kingdom: There is neither Jew not Greek, slave nor free, male nor fema le, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.'(Galatians 3:28) However, he also establishes some rules that seem to diminish women but are actually aimed at creating order and dignity in the church. Although Paul clearly expresses his view that all people are equal in Jesus, in a letter to Timothy concerning the worship of men and women he does not deny the different roles both women and men should play, emphasizing clearly womans role of bearing children and prohibiting women to teach and lead a congregation or to have authority over a man'(1.Timothy 2:12). It is later in his instruction to the Corinthians that Paul places restriction on what women can do: women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak he then states that A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the women is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. For this reason the woman ought to have authority on her head because of the angels. (1.Corinthians 11:7-10) Pauls rules about the conditions for worship, although they may seem sexist, actually reflect the times. Women were usually covered apart from their heads and hands, however, to avoid distraction when worshipping it would be customary to cover their heads, so the only focus would be solely the Lord. Even though Paul has rules inside the equality of worship, he still stands by the view that In the Lord, however, there is neither woman without man nor man without woman. For as woman came from man. So also man is born woman, and everything comes from God.'(1 Corinthians 11:11-12)14 But it is passages such as Now as the Church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything (Ephesians 5:24) that have caused the most controversy and have been taken as literally wives being the husbands possession. For in traditional Western marriage services today the words I obeyARE often no longer included. It has been noticed that the Pauline and Petrine writers seek to limit womens leadership roles within the Christian community to roles that are culturally and religiously acceptable. However, ironically, these claims cannot allege the authority of Jesus. The status of women in modern times has a great deal to do with Paul and other later authors teaching. Certainly the practice of women covering their head before they went into churches was a common practice up until the II World War. This shows the long lasting effect of Pauls teachings in the church on the status of women. It is important that when looking at the texts written about Jesus teaching shortly after Jesus crucifixion that they must not be taken necessarily at face value, they must be interpreted in their cultural setting, so they may seem obscure to our standards and values in the twenty-first century. Even today, although huge developments have happened to the status of women since Jesus time, women are still thought in some countries to be of less social standing than their male counterparts, it is only in the developed countries that equal rights for men and women have been fought. There has been great dispute over the acceptance of women priests in the Church in the Western World. The argument against there being women priests within the Church of England, found much of its weight from the later New Testament authors, and much of what Jesus had taught was ignored. The main emphasis of the argument was placed on the idea that male and female were created to be equal but different, many against the ordination of women would have used this beginning to base the development of the role of priests as a male responsibility. Moreover, many scholars use the passage from 1Timothy:2:8-15, I permit no women to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep; silent, to suggest that women should not be in a position to teach with authority in the Church. They argue that Christ was male and chose male apostles and that females cannot form legitimate succession or play the crucial part in the sacrificial and sacramental acts of the Eucharist. 15 Peter Vardy argues that just as Christians misapplied Jesus essential message to the Jews, similarly Christian Churches and individuals have done the same to women Women in terms of the Roman Law were considered inferior to men, and it was the Roman law which became the basis of the churches law. Women were also considered to be responsible for bringing sin into the world and for being a continuous source of seduction, and they were considered to be ritually unclean because of their monthly blood flow, thus almost as definition to the Roman Law and understanding women could not be ordained simply because they were a woman, as it would be inappropriate for an inferior, sinful and unclean person to represent God. It was such strong feelings as these that became so deeply imbedded in the Churches thinking in past centuries that have remained up until today. The Church of England is currently paving the way for women bishop however there is strong opposition and splits within the church and so it could take another twenty years before a woman is made a bishop in Britain. Passages in the Bible emphasize the order of creation of men and women and reflect the household code of their positions in the family and home. Therefore although some traditionalists still believe that women have a different role from men and are subordinate to men by God, through the creation, others maintain that before God all are equal16. For women to be equal in the Christian church the very fact that circumcision was to be replaced by baptism was a very important factor. Since women now could become equal and have the same status as men did before God. Fiorenza REF? believes this generated a fundamental change in women, not only in their standing before God but also in their ecclesial social status and function. She bases this argument on the fact that previously in Judaism women could never be viewed as equal since they could not be fully initiated into the religion due to circumcision. Therefore although much of the New Testament writings show women to be subordinate to man , the actual initiation into the Church is balanced. The sense of oppression that women have felt for centuries in both religious and everyday life seems to have stemmed from the very roots of religion, in the creation story and also from the misinterpretation of Jesus words in the Bible Feminist groups both within and outside the church have accused the church of propagating a negative view of women.17 The Feminist Movement has developed today as a result of the injustices women have suffered in the past and their desire for equal rights and opportunity in the future in all aspects of life. Mary Wollstonercraft applied the principle of natural rights to women arguing that women have equal worth with men and therefore have the same rights. Today it is seen as an act of discrimination for women not to have the freedom to be ordained; the last few decades have witnessed increasing sensitivity regarding womans rights and the need to redress injustices committed in the past. This new freedom has opened up new roles in all fields of work. The church although slow and reluctant to incorporate a true evaluation of women (Galatians. 3:28) into its institutions and rituals has finally succumbed. The position of women in the church reflects the changes in society and so today women find themselves challenging men in all walks of life. In conclusion, the status of women in the New Testament has a great deal to do with how the individual authors of each book viewed women. Certainly the Gospels indicate to the reader that Jesus wished to depict women as having just as many rights as men in the eyes of God. Furthermore, he showed that he himself saw women as equal beings to men, since he allowed them to become his disciples, as in the case of the Galilean women. So the gospels project them as being Jesus true disciples. The period of the New Testament marks a significant change in the role and attitude to women, which seems to have been initiated by Jesus. It was this dramatic change in attitude to women (although the early church did not always reflect these teachings) that has finally become the standard to which modern day women aspire and society have accepted. People are welcomed by Jesus irrespective of race, status, or gender, and those who are called to leadership are chosen on the basis of Gods gracious spirit not on accidents of birth.18 1 The Gospels and Jesus Graham Stanton, 1989, p102 2 The Puzzle of the Gospels Peter Vardy and Mary Mills, Fount 1995 pg170 3 In Memory of Her E. Schussler Fiorenza 1983, pg 109 4 The New Testament World J. and K. Court, Prentice-Hall, 1990 5 Equal to Serve G.G. Hull 1989, pg85 6 Ibid 7 Puzzle of the Gospels Peter Vardy and Mary Mills, 1995, pg173. 8 In Memory of Her E. Schussler Fiorenza 1983 9 ibid pg 316 10 The Gospels and Jesus Graham Stanton, OUP (1989) pg202 11 Mary Magdalene and Many Others Carla Ricci, BURNS OATES (1994), pg144 12 The Puzzle of the Gospels Vardy and Mills, pg175 13 May Magdalene and Many Others Carla Ricci, pg147 14 information from Pauls teaching on the Ministry of Women P. Nelson, Whittles Publishing (1996) 15 The New Dictionary of Christian Ethics and Pastoral Theology IVP(1996) pg 595. 16 Paul and the Eschatological woman R. Scroggs. Pg266 17 Dictionary of Christian Ethics and Pastoral Theology pg380 18 Oxford dictionary of the Bible W.R.F. Brownig. Pg 398

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Oral History Interview Example

Oral History Interview Example Mrs. Cooper: My mother and father came from two different areas of Alabama. My mother grew up on the Morrisette Plantation in Alabama. We know that my grandmother was a servant there in 1880. My grandmother had more privileges than other servants because she worked in the house rather than in the fields. And she never lived in the slave quarters. When the overseer left the plantation, she and her family were allowed to move into his house. Her father was owned by one Alexander Bryant from Kentucky, and he willed his slaves to his children. From his will, we found that my family that found its way to Alabama was worth $385. All of my great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers children were born in slavery. The curious thing is that even though their children were born in slavery, they werent married until 1867, after the Civil War. And researching the records, we found that there were a surge of marriages after the War, as if only then were they allowed to be married. Anyway, the Morrisette Plantation was where my grandmother met my grandfather. They were married in 1884 at a time when we were led to believe few blacks ever married. When I was growing up, I knew nothing about all this. Anything related to slavery, we didnt want to hear it. I dont think any blacks wanted to hear anything about slavery. My mother grew up on the Morrisette Plantation and came to Birmingham when she was 21 years old. My fathers people came from the area near Panola, Alabama. This may shock you, but the plantation owner had seven or eight children by two of his slave. One of those offspring, Lorenzo Dancy, was my fathers father. We assume my father was illegitimate since there are no records of any marriages there. Interviewer: How was town life near Birmingham different from rural life when you were young? Mrs. Cooper: My father seemed to think living near Birmingham was a great improvement over the country. He said he left the country because he hated to be told what to do and he could be more independent in the city. He always said that he would refuse to be treated like a boy. Ive been trying to understand my fathers rebelliousness. There were times when he would rebuke people who said certain things to him, because he thought everything had something to do with race. Nobody could ever tell him he couldnt have a thing or do a thing. He carried the Bessemer Housing Authority to court in 1954 to keep them from taking his property for a housing project. No black person had ever challenged the Authority. He didnt win, of course -he knew he wouldnt win. But my father would challenge anybody. Mother moved to the Birmingham area to get away from a bad personal situation. But lots of people moved off the land because of crop failures. The land was just worn out and the South was suffering from terrible droughts. People got deep into debt-debts that were kept on the books, even when they had actually been paid off. It was hard to challenge the records kept by the landowners. Through the twenties and thirties, many black people hoboed away from the South because they realized that on the farms the more you worked the more you owed. For myself, I was never taken to the country until I was quite a big girl. Interviewer: So, you would describe yourself as a small-town girl, growing up just outside Birmingham? Mrs. Cooper: Yes. Interviewer: What were the houses like? The living conditions like? Mrs. Cooper: They were all shotgun houses, mostly two-room places. No electricity, of course. Even after TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority] came to the Birmingham area, we had no electricity until my father, who could be very stubborn and hot-tempered, fought and fought until he managed to get electricity run to our house. The thing we hated most about not having electricity was that we couldnt use a radio. It wasnt until about 1940 that we got a radio. Interviewer: About how large was McCulleys Quarters? Mrs. Cooper: It was only about a one-block area, but it had everything we needed-a grocery store and a barber shop and a blacksmith shop. Interviewer: How did a typical little girl spend the day when you were about six years old? Mrs. Cooper: Oh, I led a sheltered life. Mother always kept me dressed in the dresses she made and I was kept close around the house. I visited neighbors and played house and read. I never wore slacks or jeans. And I never took part in the boys rough games. Boys picked berries in the summer and sold scrap iron. Interviewer: As a child, did you have contacts with white people? That is, did you have a sense of yourself as black and without certain opportunities? Mrs. Cooper: Except for the few white people who lived in the Quarters, as a child I didnt know many white people or have a sense of being discriminated against. My Friends were right there in the Quarters. There were very, very few children there, so I remember primarily being with the adults. It wasnt until after I started to school that I because aware at we couldnt go to certain parks, couldnt swim in certain places. During the thirties my mother had to begin taking in washing and ironing for white people, so I began to see the white people she worked for. Then later I came to realize other differences. For example, there were no hospitals for black people. The one or two hospitals that would take black people put them in the based of course the black doctor, who had been taking care of you not be allowed to practice-to attend you in the white Interviewer: Did your family have any contact with white people who were in an economic situation similar to yours-people whom we would call poor whites? Mrs. Cooper: My mother and I didnt, but my father did at his work. I remember him talking particularly about the woman who worked as a nurse at the factory who always abused any black workers she had to treat who were injured on the job. Many workers would just try to treat their own wounds rather than go to her to help them. Some would pull their own bad teeth for the same reason, rather than be badly treated by some white dentist. Interviewer: Were conditions rougher in the 1930s during the Depression, or was it more or less more of the same? Mrs. Cooper: We were always poor, but the Depression was definitely worse. People who had had jobs lost them or, like my father, were laid off for periods of time. And if you worked, the pay was often something like 3 or 4 dollars a week. What my mother always said that people used the old plantation skiffs to survive: growing gardens, canning, making absolutely everything and buying almost nothing. Interviewer: What was education like for African-Americans in Alabama at that time? Mrs. Cooper: My mother, growing up on what had been the Morrisette Plantation, was well educated. Churches maintained schools in the country, and children who showed promise as good students were sought out and sent to these schools, if their parents would pay. My mother was sent for a time to Snow Hill Institute. Her parents scraped and picked cotton so that she could attend, but she didnt finish. The last year the crops were too bad, and she couldnt go. Most, of course, were not educated. My father attended school through the third grade only. in my generation, most children I knew attended school, though many left at an early age to go to work. I believe that compulsory schooling to the age of 16 did not come about until about 1941. Interviewer: What occupations were open to African-Americans as you were growing up? Mrs. Cooper: For women, aside from domestic work and labor like laundering, the only professions or trades were nursing and teaching. Of course, you only nursed or taught black people. Many women worked as cooks in private homes or restaurants, as maids in private homes or businesses. There were no black sales clerks in stores. Men worked in the mines, in factories, as delivery boys, carpenters, and bricklayers. They could operate elevators, but they couldnt become firemen or policemen or salesmen. Some black men worked as tailors. Those who went into professions became doctors or dentists or principals or preachers within the black community. Interviewer: What were the legal barriers that African-Americans faced? Mrs. Cooper: Well, of course, we werent allowed to register to vote. Even though I was a schoolteacher for twenty years, I didnt register to vote until the late sixties. There were a few black attorneys who would take on cases, but at least in Birmingham in the thirties and forties, black attorneys couldnt practice in the courthouse. Their very presence in the courtroom was bitterly resented by many people. Interviewer: What was the feeling in the black community about Autherine Lucys attempt to enter the University of Alabama? Mrs. Cooper: They didnt know exactly what to think. But it was horrifying for us, terrifying. I thought I would have just given up. Everyone was very scared for her life. The older people were especially scared for her. They thought that the people would kill Autherine. There were other cases of black people trying to enter the state universities, in Tuscaloosa and Birmingham, at the time. Nobody thought they had much of a chance because every excuse in the world would be brought up. I knew one young woman who was told that she would be accepted, but when her mortgage company heard about it, they threatened to cancel her mortgage. They said if their white customers found out that their company was providing a mortgage for a black person who was trying to go to white schools, they would take their business elsewhere. So they couldnt afford to continue mortgaging her home if she kept trying to go to the university. Interviewer: What about the Montgomery Bus Boycott? Mrs. Cooper: We were always given the same treatment on buses throughout the South that Rosa Parks received. Most of us had to ride the buses. We bought our tickets at the front of the bus and then went around to the back door to get in. A sign marked where the white section ended and the black, section began. if the white section was filled and more white people got on, you were ordered out of your seats and the driver would move the sign back to make the white section bigger. It was a terrible humiliation as well as being terribly uncomfortable. We would be jammed together in the back like sardines. Even worse was when some of the whites would get off and some drivers would refuse to move the sign back up so that we could have more room and a few black people could sit down. Interviewer: Mrs. Cooper, despite the difficulties and humiliations you have lived with in the South, you dont seem to put all white people into the same category. Mrs. Cooper: No, you shouldnt put people into categories. Many of those bus drivers treated us badly. We disliked them and made fun of them behind their backs. But some of them were good men who were polite and considerate and would even hold the bus for us when they knew we were late. No, not all black people are the same and not all white people are the same.

Is Journalism Storytelling?

Is Journalism Storytelling? Using relevant theoretical perspectives considered during the semester and two examples of journalism, is journalism storytelling? Why? Introduction Many journalists entered the profession for a simple reason a love of storytelling. Journalism as storytelling has been found in many ways of the humanities. Storytelling is a valid way to share facts, ideas and to convince. The storytelling closely link to journalism where journalists want to reach their audience, to convince the reader that deep emotional level with their followers. Journalists have researched multiple ways that storytelling can utilize to reach to their audience in order to get audience’s attention.Moreover, McQuail (1992, Media Performance p291) states that ‘news’ is not impartial or objective. Things happen, but this does not mean that they become news – Not all the of events can be reported because of the sheer number. McQuail also argues that news is the product of socially manufactured production, because its the end result is a selective process. Gatekeepers, such as editors and journalists, and sometimes owners, to choose and jud ge what events are important enough to pay and how to cover them. News story can be used in journalism but at a price. Many journalists create stories may missing the fact in order to fill their space with personal opinions or emotion.This makes many viewers overlook these articles for audience they think more of the facts based. Narrative journalism However, with the idea of storytelling in journalism is has leaded to narrative journalism and long-form journalism. This type of journalism unlike directly news story, which provide the basic who, what, where, when and why of the story, instead, narrative news stories are longer and allow the writer to employ more elements of prose writing.Stories that are considered narrative journalism often appear in magazines and allow a reporter to approach a subject in different ways. Generations ago, narrative journalism was the rule of reporting, rather then the exception.Story (and sometimes subjectively and considerable by todays standards) in the magazine and newspaper readers through a fascinating story to tell completely from the authors views and experience.But, time have absolutely changed. Nowadays, narrative journalism is not commonly used by most mainstream media outlets. In fact, many journalists adhere to very basic formula or the use of inverted pyramid report style, to keep the ir writing style simple and easy to edit.Some may even not familiar with the technique, had never learned it as beat journalists in their career. however there is still a lot of room for narrative journalism in todays world marketplace where the Internet is available all day and all night, and authors or journalists avid to test their competence using a new technique may truly enjoy writing a news â€Å"report that reads much more like a story than a series of objectively written paragraphs†(Angelique Caffrey ,2012)In the JoBenet Ramsey case, for instance,the media and news has obsessed for nearly two decade. â€Å"The Ramsey murder a decade ago, along with the O.J. Simpson case in 1994, as one journalist noted, â€Å"helped redefine mainstream journalism as a form of soap operatic storytelling,† i.e., were benchmarks in its degradation to its current wretched state.† (David Walsh,2006,p2)Jonbenet Ramseys death is a tragedy and its surroundings keep an ominous, but this is a cold case from 18 years ago.The continued interest in every detail of her murder case seems to imply that the past 18 years havent seen any other murder of innocent and pure children, until now, her novelty cases continue to control the public interest.the question is over so many years, why the case still has attracted the attention of journalism and the general public, indeed, â€Å"The newest headlines on JonBenet Ramsey are detrimental because they take the place of more valuable news stories.†(Carina Kolodny,2013,p16). Journalism as storytelling, in the narrative way make the news novelty and catch public’s attention. New-journalism storytelling Primitively, journalism storytelling emerged on the newspapers in western countries, among which, Australia is a typical representative.Today, the highest wave of journalism storytelling presents in the press circle in America(Dubrovin 1995,p37).In the mid-19th century, majorities of the developed countries in Europe and America realized industrial revolutions.During that period, the economy conditions in these countries were dramatically improved, the urbanization was accelerated, and the presses publishing newspapers on liberalism were established.The political parties reduced forces on the press and numerous cheap newspapers without independent political and economic restrictions were published(Connery 1992,p14).On September 3, 1833,The Sunwas established, officially symbolizing the emergence of cheap newspapers.Subsequently in America, the most developed country, cheap newspapers represented byThe SunandThe Heraldemerged in succession(Chance 2001).With the purpose of making profi ts, varieties of social news were issued on these newspapers to meet the demands of low-educated and poorly off citizens and to avoid offending the political parties and the government that could affect the development of the newspapers(Cassady 1990).These pieces of news written by vulgar words and sentences were mainly about interesting and exciting stories collected from the publics social life.The appearance of such popular newspapers is viewed as the origin of journalism storytelling. During 1960 to 1970, a new genre of journalism, the New-journalism, emerged in western countries. â€Å"It emphasized to obtain opinions on internal events by perceiving and interviewing, instead of approaches of regular information collection and stereotypical questionnaire surveys†(Cassady 1991).Techniques of expression of writing novels were also adopted.It laid stress on the writing methods and description styles. â€Å"New-journalism theoretically put forward the composing direction fo r news storytelling, making a space for the literary journalism†(Eason 1981).It was particularly popular in that period and was significantly recorded on the history of Australian journalism.Except for that it meet the demand of the times, New-journalism has some characteristics which include the following: Firstly,new-journalism broke the traditional news model of stating the facts impersonally.Coming to the front stage from the backstage(Eason 1981,), the journalists directly expressed their moods, feelings, and opinions or suggestions when editing the news stories.In newswriting, the journalists subject consciousnesses and emotions were presented and strengthened(Eason 1981).Secondly,new-journalism enriched expression skills for news reports.It adopted methods of novel writing, combined news with literature, and satisfied the publics needs of listening stories.Various literary expression skills, such as multi-scenes combination, the third person narration, the first person narration, details description, compound characters, and composition ways of making flashback, repetition, indication, and suspense(Farrell 1991).It changed the stereotypical inverted pyramid writing model and showed audiences a lively world that the journalists perceive, expanding selections for the public and mee ting the publics demand for diverse cultures(Ducey 1997).New-journalism in western countries gradually fade with a short brilliant history.However, the journalism storytelling became attractive to the public. Journalism and news as social construction It is hard for journalism, in any form, to be a true construction or reflection of society, on account of the factor included in the production of news. Human interest, human fault and the fallacy of the management, and other factors interweave together, blurred the boundaries between fact and fiction. Potter(1998; p15) demonstrated that â€Å"news is not something that happens; instead, news is what gets presented. We almost never see news events as they happen. Instead, we are shown the media’s manufactured construction of the events.† Yet journalism can be defined very simply as storytelling or news information of any form. However, not all of the current events or stories can be presented in the media, and like this, only news are considered as â€Å"news value† or â€Å"newsworthy is able to bring it into the media for spread to the audience and general public. According to Galtung and Ruge(1970), â€Å"the earliest form of systematic classification for ne wsworthiness†(Tony Harcup Deirdre ONeill p261-280), there are eleven news values, the meeting will make the event is more likely in news to be reported. The news values are frequency, clarity, consonance, continuity, actions of the elite, negativity,threshold, cultural proximity,unexpectedness, composition and personification. In the above-mentioned system, the story to satisfy the more points or value, the greater the chance that it will be published in the news. News report channels use the relaxing and interesting way of storytelling to convey information to the mass.Journalism storytelling is popular with the audiences, however, with its rapid development, some shortages are increasingly exposed. Journalism storytelling has erroneous tendency to negative events.Generally, in order to catch the audiences eyes, the news contents are easily focus on happenings from the dark side of the society.Taking an example of how the news value are applied in selection of a story, the 9-11 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Cen tre towers in NYC, the news has a large number of news values, the magnitude of this plane attacks made them relate all over the world and that kind of news about crime and violence are often reported, even events on disaster or damage are mainly propagated.There are positive reports to revive the whole process and details of the events; however details description on murder, eroticism, and other stodgy and low-class events are over presented(Breneman 1983).On the whole, journalism storytelling is lack of true and impersonal perspectives and the publics supervision function on its news contents is weakened.Frequently, bloody events that are not related to the common peoples daily life are played on the life channels.The stimulating and abnormal scenes, ironic tittles and topics are often highlighted to attract the audiences attention and to make the news stories widely spread.Such effects turn out to be over-commercialized, which are of unhealthy impacts on the publics life. Reference list Denis McQuail, 1992, Media Performance:Mass Communication and the Public Interest, London/California,P291 Angelique Caffrey,2012,Journalism and Narrative Journalism,p2 David Walsh,2006, US media disgraces itself once again: Rush to judgment in the JonBenet Ramsey case,p2 Carina Kolodny,2013,Why Do We Care About JonBenet Ramsey?p16 Vivian Dubrovin (1995),Create Your Own Storytelling Stories,p37 Connery, Thomas B, 1992, Discovering a Literary Form.† A Sourcebook of American Literary journalism:Representative Writers in an Emerging Genre. New York: Greenwood,p14 W.James Potter, 1998, Theory of Media Literacy:A Cognitive Approach USA,p15 Tony Harcup Deirdre O’Neill, 2010,What is News?:Galtung and Ruge revisited; p261-280 Should Cannabis Be Legalised In Australia? Should Cannabis Be Legalised In Australia? Cannabis is a plant that is grown using organic fertiliser, other names includes marijuana, marihuana, hashish, hemp and ganja which is made from dried leaves and small green flowers from the cannabis plant itself, it contains narcotics and tough fibres that are used to make ropes, medicine, furniture and many others. Cannabis is known as a soft illicit drug that is commonly used. It is usually smoked but can also be eaten to get the immediate intoxicated effect but each person experiences different effects reasons being how strong the drug is, if they are an experienced user, the mood of the user and many other reasons within the individual. Earls and Robert studied marihuana and came with while opium kills ambition and deadens initiatives, marihuana incites to immorality and crime (Earls and Robert Rowell, 2003). Short-term effects may include; brain slowing, intoxicated which is also known as stoned or high and happy and relaxed feelings. Others may experience negative effects such as being paranoid, feeling anxious and panic attack. Some physical effects include short-term memory, heart rate increase, bloodshot eyes, coordination which can cause unsafe driving and increase in appetite often known as the munchies. Long-term effects may include; increase risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease due to the raise in heart rate, lung disease, ability to learn because of short-term memory, sperm count for males decreases and females experience irregular period patterns. Cannabis is illegal in Australia and most other first world countries and by law it is not to be grown, sell or possessed, it is a crime to do so and penalties will be given according to The Australian Drug Misuse Trafficking Act (1985). Cannabis is illegal due to many reasons such as; addiction, where people are hooked on to the drug and which will eventually ruin their lives through excessive usage, this is the same as alcohol which is a totally legal drug. The government claims that cannabis is more and highly addictive compared to alcohol which is why it is not legalised. Users would become aggressive and have a psychotic effect when taking the drug which leads to criminal activities. Cannabis is not accepted for medical use, even though it helps pain relief and benefits others in medical use but still caused a lot of diseases which the government is trying to help decrease, such as lung cancer, and cancer itself. Other reasons include that cannabis was linked to narcotics together with other illicit drugs, heroin, morphine and cocaine in 1914; these drugs are highly illegal and has brought cannabis along the line with them. Cannabis is now used by people all over the world illegally and legally and now it is not seen as an ethnic drug. The American governments started to look into Cannabis and came up with ideas on making it illegal, hemp was common and is used in making ropes, cloth and paper was considered dangerous and was a treat to people, people were being violence after smoking cannabis and led them to commit crime. Cannabis was announced illegal by (The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937). Cannabis should be legalised in Australia because it will benefit the government and country in many ways, some advantages on legalising cannabis include; government making money on tax, which will be better for the economy as cannabis is a billion dollar industry. Cannabis is grown with organic fertilizer and is an organic plant unlike other illicit drugs such as heroin and cocaine when many other chemicals are used to make the drug. Tobacco is considered more dangerous compared to cannabis as tobacco uses 4000 different chemicals such as nicotine, tar, rat poison and many others which are harmful to the users as cannabis is an organic grown plant. This will benefit people with healt issues as it does not contain many other chemical like tobacco. Cannabis is a valued plant and is expensive since growing the plant takes time and organic fertilizer must be used. Pricing around the illegal market on cannabis is $200 to $300 and ounce (28grams). Through research foundings on cannabis users increases dramatically every year, in the US it is estimated that 2million people will try the illicit drug every yeah and 1 percentage of the population estimated to try cannabis every year and become addicted. Cannabis was a legalised drug back in the 1920s early 1930s, but since the US government came up with ideas to ban the drug due to their reasons of the drug threatens and is dangerous. Cannabis is now the most illicit drug used all over the world illegally and legally, in certain parts of Canada cannabis is legal where they have marijuana pubs and bars where people can come in for a smoke with friends and to relax. If cannabis was legalised in Australia it will stop people smoking illegally, being paranoid and decrease in illegal activities such as smuggling cannabis from other countries or states, drug trafficking and trades. This highlights that society accepted the fact that view on marijuana is to be socially accepted. Legalising cannabis will allow the nation to gain instant and long term benefits also give benefit in medical use, where it could be used to assist in pain relief and cure other diseases that prescription drugs might now be able to do. Victims suffering from diseases such as glaucoma and the people who needs treatment for antinausea will be able to find the drug easily This will benefit chemists and can help with increasing the market share and income. Ideas that the government may look into is that proper education should be involved in training users on the drug itself, how to use the drug and the recommended amount of usage each time to prevent from overdose. Cannabis should be a prescription drug if it was to be legalised and doctors only allow certain amount each time for the patient or user. Disadvantages on legalising cannabis include; people not claiming tax as they can grow the plants from home, which will become an illegal activity since they are hiding from the government to turn away from tax. Financial issues since education for cannabis users which will cost a lot of money and time for the government if they decided to legalised the illicit drug. Crime rates may arise as the drug may have different effects on the individual, it may cause aggressiveness, psychotic and criminal activities. This will have a huge impact on safety for the society as it may affect users on unsafe driving and lose of memory in short-term use. Legalising cannabis will also have an impact on creating more diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, and learning abilities as users experience short -term memory. Advantages on criminalisation if cannabis was legalised include; a decrease on criminal offences such as smuggling drugs into the country, trading and selling the drug to people. It will allow the government to fight other drug related crimes that are more important and a risk to the society such as heroin and cocaine dealers, fraud and murderers. If cannabis was legalised users would stop being paranoid about using or buying the drug as they would become more relaxed and free. The war on drug isnt accomplishing much as people are still out there illegally smuggling, trading and selling drugs so this can be decreased if cannabis was to be legalised as it will reduce the government on spending large amount of money on enforcements every year which will help in increasing the countrys revenue. It is prohibited but people are still out there making money and doing illegal business, there was an increase tax on alcohol so if cannabis was to be legalised it should have a higher tax on it as well. It is impossible to stop drug dealers as they always got an way to deliver their goods, they are always one step ahead and if one criminal is caught there is others out there doing the same, it just continues and it is something the government cannot stop. In 1987, 10 billion dollars were spent alone just on enforcing drug laws. Drugs accounted for about 40 percent of all felony indictments in the New York City courts in 1989. This figure quadrupled since 1985. Forty percent of the people in federal prison are drug law violators (Long 114). As it raises every year that money could be spent on other things that will benefit the economy such as schools, roads and homeless. The black market would vanish and illegal traders and dealers would be out of business since productions would bec ome licensed only. Disadvantages if cannabis was to be legalised include; people would still do illegal business to make money, since they want to keep away from tax. Legalising cannabis will eventually make the good people become bad, as they will be addicted to the legalised drug and it will affect their daily lives due to the effects on the drugs such as short-term memory, it allows people to be violent and aggressive, become psychotics and will put the society at risk, crime rates will rise and the roads will be more dangerous than it is now as to drink drivers. Cannabis effects peoples coordination so unsafe driving is a major risk, leaving it risky to others on the roads. The government will have to spend more money on stoping drug users from committing crimes or death rates will increase as is allows people to experience being aggressive, and psychotic behaviours with the use to the drug if it is legalised. In conclusion cannabis should be legalised as it will benefit people with medical use, help in decreasing crime rate, reduce and die out the black market, improve the countrys revenue and allows the government to make money on tax just like the high tax they gain from alcohol. At the same time it may disadvantage the country in a few ways such as crime rates due to the drug giving side effects of aggressiveness and psychotic, where that is easier to prevent unlike the black market.